Sunday, May 26, 2013

Marjorelle Garden in Marrakech, Morocco

 A delightful place to visit in Marrakech is Marjorelle Gardens, named for its founder, French artist Jacques Marjorelle, in the 1920's, but closely identified today with Yves Saint-Laurent.
 Yves Saint-Laurent owned the house and gardens since 1980.   He loved it so much that his ashes were spread in the garden after he died in 2008.  There is a monument to him in the garden.
 The building in the garden contains an Arabic art museum, and the villa also holds a collection of watercolors by Marjorelle.  The distinctive cobalt blue color has been named Marjorelle blue.
 The gardens are 14 acres and feature both cacti and lush tropical plants, with the cooling effects of lilly ponds and water features.
The gardens have been open to the public since 1947.